The NFT Explorers, Origins


Aephia Industries opened its doors on July 18th, 2021, as one of the first guilds for the upcoming Play & Own, space-based MMO, Star Atlas. Since then, it has become home to many gamers and crypto enthusiasts who bonded over Star Atlas.

Though every new member of the Star Atlas community knows that the game will take years to develop, Aephia continues to draw in new members daily.

Aephia provides a full suite of resources, tools, and information to its members, all for free. It’s a community that’s been bootstrapped by the group of individuals, working together. Within the “Any topic” Cantina channel, ask any question and get a great answer.

When you bring this many talented, genuine, and forward-looking individuals together, sometimes, when the timing is right, magic can happen.

And magic did happen.

The [AEP] tag

When Star Atlas was launched, it quickly appeared on the radars of thousands of crypto enthusiasts. With Aephia Industries being one of the first guilds to set up shop, it comes as no surprise that Aephia has a very strong core of NFT/Crypto traders and investors. Due to the gaming focus of Aephia, a natural step was adding our "Clan Tag" to discord (We all remember adding our Clan Tags before jumping in a match with friends).

While waiting for the development of Star Atlas modules, a team of Alpha Gatherers, Collab Managers, and Investment Specialists formed through collaboration and peer support. Their shared enjoyment of being the first to find that next great NFT/Crypto/Web3 project and sharing that find with friends is what led us here.

Fast forward a year and a half, and Aephia’s Alpha group has built up quite a reputation. Many within the group are avid gamers with TradeFi and Art Collector expertise. This led to the [AEP] tag spreading beyond the Star Atlas ecosystem and into countless servers. When an [AEP] joins a project for the first time, it is commonplace to find other [AEP] tag users already there. Our tag has become the calling card of positive and informed community involvement.

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