WhiteList and Collaborations

WL Aephians

All Aephians who have the 2nd Anniversary Discord role will be eligible to participate in the whitelist role assignment process, through Subber.

If you don't have the 2nd Anniversary role, don't fret! There will be opportunities to gain whitelist; make sure you have the @NFT Degen (Announcements) role to not miss out on those! One of the ways in which you can get whitelisted is through referrals from other Aephians. Having the right type of holders for ALF is important, and there is no better way than through recommendations from our current active members. To enable this we created the Friends and Family Referral Process.

Friends and Family Referral Process

Some of the earliest feedback we got from Aephian polls was that members want to be able to invite their F&F. Many of you know people who want to invest in blockchain and NFTs and see this as a way to bring them in. We heard you. Every @Pioneer 2021 role holder will be able to invite up to 2 persons. Every @2nd Anniversary role holder will be able to invite 1 person. F&F Referrals will obtain the @F&F Explorer role. The F&F Referral role is NOT a WL role. Your F&F will have a dedicated WL role assignment process through Subber. When the sign-up process launches, we will @ ping the role in ⁠our 📢alf-announcements. channel

WL Collaborations

A small number of WL spots will be made available through collaborations with Star Atlas and NFT communities. Please contact @TomQH_ on X or @TomQH on Discord for further details.

There will also be opportunities to win WL spots through interacting with us on Discord. Asking questions about the whitepaper, providing feedback, and sharing your investment knowledge are good ways to earn a spot. We will be on the lookout for like-minded explorers to join our close-knit community.

Preparing for WL

Our whitelist (WL) tool is Subber.xyz We have found their product to be secure, easy to use, and reliable. Create an account and get comfortable before you need it. Depending on when you're reading this, our WL events may require speed. Follow ALF on X @AEPLifeForm

Last updated