Q: Will an ALF NFT be mandatory to retain access to Aephia?

A: No, although sharing a common discord, you do not need to be an ALF holder to access Aephia (and vice versa)

Q: Will you be investing in Star Atlas assets?

A: Only if the Investment Team deems it a worthy investment. ALF holder value will be the primary decision factor. Opportunities to buy ships for scholarships or production facilities could become lucrative if the Star Atlas economy thrives.

Q: Will the Investment Team invest in assets outside of crypto?

A: No, the focus will be solely on blockchain assets. This will include stablecoins, less risky assets, and hedging (both directions) with a strong focus on risk management.

Q: What risk profile will the investments take?

A: See Investment Managementfor details. The Investment Team will focus on long-term capital preservation and sustainable revenue. The target asset allocation will only act as a cap; it does not mean that all funds will be fully deployed, which is particularly important during bear markets.

Q: Will the ALF Treasury invest in NFTs on the secondary market?

A: Yes, however, these will focus on proven "blue chips" for specific purposes (e.g., AMMs or passive income).

Last updated